Refractometer for alcohol 0-80volume percent (VOL)
This optical refractometer (alcohol meter) has a scale in the range of 0 - 80 % (VOL - alcohol volume percent).
The reading resolution is 1 %. It is designed for the measurement of distilled beverages (ethanol with water) like whiskey, brandy, fruit brandy, slivovitz, vodka, gin, tequila etc.
Scale Range Resolution
0 to 80 % 1 %
Measurement :
The liquid measurement is very easy. Place a few drops of the liquid on the optical part of the refractometer, cover the prism (the liquid will spread more easily over the prism), look throught the eyepiece against the light (focus, if necessary) and you will be able to read the result value on the scale.
Specification :
· reference temperature 20 Centigrade
· ATC - automatic temperature compensation (compensation range 0 ~ 30 Centigrade)